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Connect From Within

Updated: May 19, 2023

It's so easy to say ''Connect from within.'' Right!?

I get it. Sometimes the brain is filled with so much to do, so much you may not want to do and or the thoughts of what you're not going to do and blah blah blah blah blah...

Trust me, I truly do empathise with you all who are reading this right now. I am here to let you know that the simple stuff works.

I am Aisha Peters Founder and CEO for Damali Beautiful Vision CIC.

Today I shall share a little about how came to connect deeper from within as I journeyed through my healing.

I remember on an occasion a friend offered to guide me through a meditation. As I sat curled up in a huge blanket awaiting instruction suddenly, they ripped off the blanket and asked ''You cold?'' I quivered from the fresh cool air surrounding my body and replied slowly ''Yes.''

And they replied ''Good! Because you need to feel.''

I was shocked, bewildered, amazed, a little amused, secretly laughing at myself that is and also felt as though my ego had been pinched ever so slightly.

Fact of the matter was that their statement and actions towards me were absolutely valid.

I had become so accustomed to swaddling myself deep in blankets and burying my sorrow from the transition of my daughter Damali, I thought that I was comforting and somewhat soothing myself from the sorrow and pain. I was actually causing myself more hurt by burying my hurt. I know that was a mouth full.

During the meditation, although nervous I allowed myself to feel for the first time in years.

I felt cold, I felt vulnerable, I felt nervous, I felt exposed and I felt like I was going to cry.

I was afraid that someone else was going to see me cry. At this point I felt as though, if I had started to pour tears that they would never stop.

Tears came to my eyes and that is when I felt a turning point within me.

I began to accept that if I did cry that I am ok or if I felt cold, that I am ok and I am here. I am present.

This new found feeling gave me a deep sense of inner serenity and strength that was almost unexplainable. I felt accomplished and yet humbled all at the same time.

Soon, within months I had journeyed into my own personal regular routine of mediation, especially out in nature.

I would invite friends at times to join me. However, I always made it a duty while journeying to make it a priority for me regardless of whether they joined or not.

I began to realise that mediation and particular breathing techniques had been a part of my selfcare for years, even as young as 9 years of age. I was, and I am just as interested in the art of mediation and breathwork, how it sustains the body for positive wellbeing.

From sitting still on a mat, to dancing, to beating a drum, to singing for myself, to sound healing my aura and body, to simply walking in nature and being with my own thoughts. I can truly say my journey of mediation and the growth of the many modalities that use have expanded greatly.

I started off 5 minutes, then 10 minutes and then I remember sitting in lotus pose for one hour. The reflection of it all is truly beautiful to me.

What I am saying is ''Connection is from within.''

It's about what works for you. When starting for the first time you may find that sitting in lotus position is not for you. You may need to walk in nature for your meditation, you may need to beat a drum, you may need to dance until sweat drips from your body or you may simply need to breath deep and stretch.

''Connect with you.''

For connecting within always starts with you.

By Aisha Peters. Founder and CEO for Damali Beautiful Vision CIC

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